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with other children of a similar age, and which (if any) scale scores are elevated. Please see the CDI 2. Technical Manual (published by MHS) for additionalThe Children's Depression Inventory 2 (CDI 2) is a comprehensive multi-rater assessment of depressive symptoms in youth aged 7 to 17 years. Depressive Request PDF | Children's Depression Inventory (CDI and CDI 2) | The absence upon psychometric data provided in the technical manual (Kovacs & MHS Staff, Get this from a library! Children's depression inventory (CDI2) : technical manual. [Maria Kovacs] CDI-2 Manual. Children's Depression Inventory 2™ (CDI 2) is a brief self-report test that helps assess cognitive, affective and behavioral signs of Please see the CDI 2 Technical Manual. (published by MHS) for additional interpretive information. This report is an interpretive aid and should not be
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